- Main Number
(855) 667-3655 - Emergencies
(800) 453-2530 - Crossing gates, signals & rough crossings
(800) 453-2530 - Environmental Spills
(800) 453-2530
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, Norfolk Southern’s legacyExpressNSTM mobile application will be retired. To continue taking advantage of the many features and benefits of the ExpressNSTM application, drivers will be required to download and use the new ExpressNS+TM mobile application. Ahead of the retirement of the legacy ExpressNSTM application, drivers will receive a series of notifications reminding them of the upcoming retirement. ExpressNS+TM users will also receive the notifications; however, no action will be required of those users.
The ExpressNS+TM application is available to drivers with iPhones or Android equipped phones and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Drivers who are unable to download the ExpressNS+TM application will continue having the ability to conduct gate transactions using kiosks at our Automated Gating System (AGS) equipped facilities or via clerks at our non-AGS facilities. Drivers can refer to the below app icon to ensure they are using ExpressNS+TM. For ExpressNS related questions, please contact the ExpressNS Help Desk at (757) 823-5252 or ics@nscorp.com.
We encourage drivers to take advantage of our ExpressNS+TMmobile application which streamlines gate and terminal processes for our drayage community. With ExpressNS+TM, drivers can verify billing, submit pre-gate information, obtain parking and pickup locations, receive electronic interchange receipts, and submit bad order information. More information on ExpressNS+TM can be found by scanning the QR code below or by visiting www.nscorp.com/intermodal/ExpressNS.