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Fuel surcharges are a way for railroads and customers to share fuel costs as prices fluctuate throughout the year. Find publicly available fuel surcharges* below. Contact your Norfolk Southern marketing representative for private fuel surcharge rates.
* This information is provided as a courtesy to our customers and is non-binding. Terms of the applicable rate authority shall govern the application and charges associated with any applied fuel surcharge.
WTI-Based Fuel Surcharge Programs
The West-Texas Intermediate (WTI) fuel surcharge rate is based on the average price of crude oil produced in Texas and Southern Oklahoma during the previous month.
For a historical record of WTI prices, download the Download WTI Daily Reported Prices Spreadsheet (Excel).
The fuel surcharge is applied to each shipment having a bill of lading dated on or after the 1st day of the second calendar month following the calendar month of a given WTI Average Price calculation. To find out when fuel surcharges will be applied, download the Download Fuel Surcharge Month Breakdown (PDF).
Fuel Surcharge Effective Date | Avg. Monthly WTI Price | Basis Month |
12/01/2024 | $71.56 | October 2024 |
01/01/2025 | $69.54 | November 2024 |
02/01/2025 | $69.70 | December 2024 |
Tariff NS-8003 applies to all traffic moving on Norfolk Southern issued rate authorities with notes that reference Tariff NS-8003. The fuel surcharge is 0.3% of the linehaul freight charge for every $1 per barrel, or portion thereof, by which the WTI Average Price Per Barrel exceeds $64.
For a historical record of Tariff NS-8003 rates, download the Download Tariff NS-8003 History Spreadsheet (Excel).
Fuel Surcharge Effective Date | Surcharge Amount | Avg. Monthly WTI Price | Basis Month |
11/01/2024 | 2.4% | $71.56 | October 2024 |
01/01/2025 | 1.8% | $69.54 | November 2024 |
02/01/2025 | 1.8% | $69.70 | December 2024 |
Mileage-Based Fuel Surcharge Programs
Mileage-Based (or “On Highway”) rates, including for our Industrial Products $2.50 Mileage-Based Program, are based on the average price of diesel for motor vehicles (plus tax) during the previous month.
You can find average diesel prices on the U.S. Energy Information Administration website.
The fuel surcharge is applied to each shipment having a bill of lading dated on or after the 1st day of the second calendar month following the calendar month of a given OHD Average Price calculation. To find out when fuel surcharges will be applied, download the Download Fuel Surcharge Month Breakdown (PDF).
Fuel Surcharge Effective Date | Surcharge Amount | Avg. Monthly OHD (On-Highway Diesel) | Basis Month |
12/01/2024 | $0.27 | $3.585 | October 2024 |
01/01/2025 | $0.26 | $3.522 | November 2024 |
02/01/2025 | $0.25 | $3.494 | December 2024 |
In the Industrial Products $2.50 Mileage-Based Program, when the average price of a gallon of U.S. Diesel exceeds $2.50 per gallon, a fuel surcharge of $0.01 per mile of the line-haul movement will be applied to each car for every $0.04 (or portion thereof) over the $2.50 per gallon price.
For a historical record of Industrial Products $2.50 Mileage-Based Program rates, download the Download Industrial Products $2.50 Mileage-Based History Spreadsheet (Excel).
Looking for Older Fuel Surcharge Rates?
Previous Fuel Surcharge (FSC) history
Original Fuel Surcharge (FSC) 6/30/2000 history