From centralized yard operations to car accounting, Greg Ropp has been a member of our team for 23 years. Currently based in the company’s corporate headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, Ropp helps to lead a team that is responsible for managing car hire-related transactions between NS and other railroads. After driving his son — a U.S. Marine — back to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, Ropp decided to capture some of the NS trains operating over the bridge across the Neuse River in New Bern, North Carolina. “I had seen photos of the bridges around that part of the country along the coast, so I did a little research and found one nearby,” Ropp says. “I dropped off my son that morning and went to New Bern to scout out locations.” Moving various tank cars and mixed freight, the NS train is seen operating locally from New Bern Yard. A smaller yard on the company’s network, this facility plays an important role in delivering first- and last-mile service for our customers.


Get Back on Track

The company's Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) program offers help for Norfolk Southern employees injured on the job, or medically disqualified from service.


The good news is that even a continuing personal illness/medical condition does not necessarily prevent employees from working again. Through the assistance offered by the VRS program, many eligible employees are able to return to work. VRS allows employees to continue to make meaningful contributions toward their personal and corporate success as well as continue to provide financial security for themselves and their families.


VRS activities are customized to assist employees in meeting their individual needs. This may include evaluation of job skills, training, job placement, and/or referral to community resources. Depending on qualifications and response to vocational rehabilitation, program participants may be considered for placement within currently vacant positions within Norfolk Southern, or in some cases, coordination with outside job placement services may be the best option.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services Offers Employees A Choice

The Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) program is available at no cost for eligible agreement and nonagreement employees, including those on medical leave. Participation is entirely voluntary, and employees may leave or decline the program at any time.


Service activities may include:

  • Online career assessment
  • Vocational counseling and guidance
  • Education and job training/placement assistance
  • Referrals to state and/or local employment resources

How do I know if I’m eligible for VRS?

The Vocational Rehabilitation Services program is not available to those employees who have been medically approved to return to their current or previous positions, or where no employment relationship exists between the Company and the employees. Norfolk Southern Corporation reserves the right to amend or terminate the VRS Program at any time.

VRS Manager Matt Jones explaining the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program

More information on how to get started

The VRS program is administered by the Human Resources Department. All service activities are coordinated and monitored by a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC).


Eligible employees who are interested in taking advantage of the program should contact:


Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Fax 757-823-5981


Download the VRS brochure